var chatbotDatabotIframe; // global variable for chatbot iframe var onlyOneBot = []; // Valida si existe más de un script del chatbot 2 function onlyChatbot() { let scripts = document.querySelectorAll('script'); if (scripts && scripts.length > 0) { // capturo url para validar si está en databot o no let origin = document.location.href; for (el of scripts) { if ( && && !origin.includes('', 0)) { onlyOneBot.push(; } } } console.log('onlyOneBot->', onlyOneBot); if (onlyOneBot.length > 1) console.log('mas de 1 script->'); } // onlyChatbot(); (async () => { if (!onlyOneBot || onlyOneBot.length <= 1) { var me = document.currentScript; var id = me.getAttribute('id'); var token = me.getAttribute('bot'); var src = me.getAttribute('src'); var url_env = src.replace('/dist_files/databot.js', ''); var isPlayground = me.getAttribute('isPlayground'); function setChabot() { var clientPathName = window.location.pathname; var clientHostName = window.location.hostname; let userAgent = navigator.userAgent; var t = document.createElement('div'); = 'message_box_id'; = 'fixed'; = '2147483646'; let listOfCookies; let invertPosition = ['1134', '2089', '2495', '1883', '456']; let whatsappAboveChatbot = ['537', '2351', '2572', '1883', '456']; let isSalcobrandBot = ['2674']; let customInitialClasses = []; window.addEventListener('load', function (event) { listOfCookies = document.cookie.split(';'); }); window.addEventListener('message', (e) => { if ( === 'show_chat') { document.getElementById('chat_box_identifier').style.display = ''; } if ( === 'show_widget') { const chatBox = document.getElementById('message_box_id'); const iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); = 'whatsapp_box_identifier'; iframe.className = 'compact'; iframe.src = `${url_env}/whatsapp?id=${id}&token=${token}`; chatBox.appendChild(iframe); if (invertPosition.includes(id)) iframe.classList.add('p-right'); if (whatsappAboveChatbot.includes(id)) iframe.classList.add('p-right', 'p-above'); if ( whatsappAboveChatbot.includes(id) && invertPosition.includes(id) ) { iframe.classList.remove('p-right'); iframe.classList.add('p-left', 'p-above'); } if (isSalcobrandBot.includes(id)) { let url_origin = window?.location?.href; if (!url_origin?.includes('/content/ocular_copy', 0)) iframe.classList.add('space-mobile'); } } // To wsp widget classes const widget = document.getElementById('whatsapp_box_identifier'); if ( === 'set_widget') { if (widget) { if (! { widget.classList.add('is-icon'); } else { widget.classList.remove('is-icon'); } } } // for dinamic width in px if ( === 'dinamic_width_wsp_bar') { const label_width =; const proportion = 78; = `${label_width + proportion}px`; } if ( === 'space_up') { t.firstChild.classList.add('space-up'); if (widget) widget.classList.add('space-up'); } if ( === 'sucursales_shopify') { let data = JSON.parse(; const preview = document.createElement('div'); let inventory = ''; data.inventoryLevel = data.inventoryLevel.filter( (x) => x.available > 0, );, index) => { const inventoryElement = `

${ }

Disponibilidad ${ inventoryLevel.available }

${ inventoryLevel.location.address1 }

${ } ${} ${ inventoryLevel.location.province_code }

${ inventoryLevel.location.country_name }


${ data.inventoryLevel.length == index + 1 ? '' : '
' }
`; inventory += inventoryElement; }); const displayData = ` `; preview.classList.add('modal-image-screen'); preview.innerHTML += displayData; document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].append(preview); const closeButton = document.querySelector('.modal-image-close'); const modalScreen = document.querySelector('.modal-image-screen'); closeButton.addEventListener('click', () => { modalScreen.remove(); }); const back = document.querySelector('.modal-image-background'); back.addEventListener('click', () => { modalScreen.remove(); }); } if ( == 'getWoocommerceCartHash') { const woocommerceCartHash = getCookie('woocommerce_cart_hash'); const databotIframe = document.getElementById('chat_box_identifier'); databotIframe.contentWindow.postMessage( { event: 'getWoocommerceCartHash', payload: { woocommerceCartHash: woocommerceCartHash || null, }, }, url_env, ); } if ( === 'zoom_image') { const preview = document.createElement('div'); const img = ` `; preview.classList.add('modal-image-screen'); preview.innerHTML += img; document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].append(preview); const closeButton = document.querySelector('.modal-image-close'); const modalScreen = document.querySelector('.modal-image-screen'); closeButton.addEventListener('click', () => { modalScreen.remove(); }); const back = document.querySelector('.modal-image-background'); back.addEventListener('click', () => { modalScreen.remove(); }); } if ( == 'alertRedirect') { const div = document.createElement('div'); div.classList.add('modal-databot'); const modal = ` x

¿Salir del sitio?


`; div.innerHTML += modal; document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].append(div); const modalScreen = document.querySelector('.modal-databot'); const closeButton = document.querySelector('.modal-image-close'); const closeButton2 = document.querySelector('.databot-close-modal'); const redirect = document.querySelector('.btn-text'); closeButton.addEventListener('click', () => { modalScreen.remove(); }); closeButton2.addEventListener('click', () => { modalScreen.remove(); }); redirect.addEventListener('click', () => {'', '_blank'); modalScreen.remove(); }); } // Burbuja if ( === 'compact') { t.firstChild.classList.remove('compact-md'); t.firstChild.classList.remove('expand'); t.firstChild.classList.remove('chat-md'); t.firstChild.classList.remove('menu-xl'); t.firstChild.classList.add('compact'); if (isSalcobrandBot.includes(id)) t.firstChild.classList.add('space-mobile'); } // Ventana if ( === 'expand') { t.firstChild.classList.remove('compact'); t.firstChild.classList.remove('compact-md'); t.firstChild.classList.remove('chat-md'); t.firstChild.classList.remove('menu-xl'); t.firstChild.classList.remove('h_55'); t.firstChild.classList.add('expand'); if (isSalcobrandBot.includes(id)) { t.firstChild.classList.remove('space-mobile'); t.firstChild.classList.add('full-height'); } } // recomendador xl if ( === 'menu-xl') { t.firstChild.classList.remove('compact'); t.firstChild.classList.remove('compact-md'); t.firstChild.classList.remove('expand'); t.firstChild.classList.remove('chat-md'); t.firstChild.classList.add('menu-xl'); } // recomendador md if ( === 'chat-md') { t.firstChild.classList.remove('compact'); t.firstChild.classList.remove('compact-md'); t.firstChild.classList.remove('expand'); t.firstChild.classList.remove('menu-xl'); t.firstChild.classList.add('chat-md'); } // Input Magic search IA if ( === 'compact-md') { t.firstChild.classList.remove('compact'); t.firstChild.classList.remove('expand'); t.firstChild.classList.remove('menu-xl'); t.firstChild.classList.add('compact-md'); } if ( === 'expandWsp') { t.lastChild.classList.remove('compact'); t.lastChild.classList.add('expand'); } else if ( === 'compactWsp') { t.lastChild.classList.remove('expand'); t.lastChild.classList.add('compact'); } if ( === 'h_55') { t.firstChild.classList.add('h_55'); } if ( === 'clean_h_55') { t.firstChild.classList.remove('h_55'); } if ( === 'chatbot_ready') { const databotIframe = document.getElementById('chat_box_identifier'); chatbotDatabotIframe = databotIframe; const urlSearchParams = new URLSearchParams(; const params = Object.fromEntries(urlSearchParams.entries()); databotIframe.contentWindow.postMessage( { event: 'chatbot_ready', payload: { queryparams: params } }, url_env, ); databotIframe.contentWindow.postMessage( { event: 'user_agent', payload: { userAgent, }, }, url_env, ); } if ( === 'actual_location') { const location = window.location; const databotIframe = document.getElementById('chat_box_identifier'); chatbotDatabotIframe = databotIframe; databotIframe.contentWindow.postMessage( { event: 'actual_location', payload: { href: location.href, clientPathName: location.pathname, clientHostName: location.hostname, }, }, url_env, ); } if ( === 'vtex_orderFormId') { let tries = 0; const getOrderFormNetwork = async () => { const body = { expectedOrderFormSections: [ 'items', 'paymentData', 'totalizers', 'shippingData', 'sellers', ], }; // Evitando bucle de error en vista preview if (window.location.origin != '') { const response = await fetch( `${}/api/checkout/pub/orderForm?refreshOutdatedData=true`, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', accept: 'application/json', Authority:, }, body: JSON.stringify(body), }, ); const data = await response.json(); return data.orderFormId; } }; if (window.location.origin != '') { const interval = setInterval(async () => { tries++; let orderForm = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('orderform')); if (!orderForm || === 'default-order-form') { orderForm = await getOrderFormNetwork(); } if ( (orderForm && !== 'default-order-form') || tries === 3 ) { const databotIframe = document.getElementById( 'chat_box_identifier', ); databotIframe.contentWindow.postMessage( { event: 'vtex_orderFormId', payload: { orderFormId: orderForm?.id || orderForm?.orderFormId || orderForm || null, }, }, url_env, ); clearInterval(interval); } }, 3000); } } if ( === 'woocommerce_nonce') { console.log('NONCE WOO',; const postCart = () => { fetch( `${}/wp-json/wc/store/v1/cart/add-item?id=${}&quantity=${}`, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', Nonce:, }, }, ) .then((res) => { console.log('Agregado al Carrito Woocommerce', res); quantityCartWoo(; }) .catch((error) => { console.log('Response Error:', error); }); }; const getCart = async () => { const res = await fetch( `${}/wp-json/wc/store/v1/cart/items`, ); let cart = await res.json(); try { if (cart.length > 0) { const findID = cart.find( (element) => ==, ); if (!findID) { postCart(); } else { fetch( `${}/wp-json/wc/store/v1/cart/update-item?key=${findID.key}&quantity=${}`, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', Nonce:, }, }, ) .then((res) => { res; console.log('Carrito Actualizado Woocommerce ', res); quantityCartWoo(; }) .catch((error) => { console.log('Response Error:', error); }); } } else { postCart(); } } catch (error) { console.log('error global', error); } }; getCart(); } if ( === 'shopify_cart') { const productVariantId =; const quantityProduct =; const postCartShopify = async () => { let formData = { items: [ { id: productVariantId, quantity: quantityProduct, }, ], }; await fetch('/cart/add.js', { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(formData), headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, }) .then((response) => { return response.json(); }) .then((res) => { console.log('Producto Agregado al carrito Shopify =>>>>', res); quantityCartShop(); }) .catch((err) => console.error(err)); }; const getCartShopify = async () => { const request = await fetch('/cart.js', { method: 'GET', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, }); let response = await request.json(); let cartShopify = await response.items; console.log('items traer', cartShopify); try { if (cartShopify.length > 0) { const findIDCart = cartShopify.find( (element) => element.variant_id == productVariantId, ); if (!findIDCart) { postCartShopify(); } else { let formDataUpdate = { updates: { [productVariantId]: quantityProduct, //PRODUCT VARIANT : QUANTITY }, }; fetch('/cart/update.js', { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(formDataUpdate), headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, }) .then((response) => { return response.json(); }) .then((res) => { console.log('Producto Actualizado Shopify =>>>>', res); quantityCartShop(); }) .catch((err) => { console.error(err); }); } } else { postCartShopify(); } } catch (error) { console.log('Error Carrito Shopify', error); } }; getCartShopify(); } if ( === 'bsale_add_cart') { const { bdomain: domain, productId, quantity, token, } =; // OBTIENE EL CARRO DE LA SESION const postCart = async () => { fetch(`${domain}/cart/create/${productId}?q=${quantity}`, { method: 'GET', headers: { access_token: token, }, }) .then((res) => res.json()) .then((data) => console.log('postCart data', data)) .catch((error) => console.error(error)); }; const putCart = async (cardDetailId) => { fetch( `${domain}/cart/update_detail/${cardDetailId}?q=${quantity}`, { method: 'GET', headers: { access_token: token, }, }, ) .then((res) => res.json()) .then((data) => console.log('putCart data', data)) .catch((error) => console.error(error)); }; const cartEvent = async () => { fetch(`${domain}/gateway/cart/dynamic?expand=cartDetails`, { method: 'GET', headers: { access_token: token, }, }) .then((res) => res.json()) .then((data) => { console.log('data',; const cartDetails =; const cartDetailsIndex = cartDetails.findIndex( (e) => e.idVarianteProducto === Number(productId) && e.id_variante_producto === Number(productId), ); if (cartDetailsIndex >= 0) { console.log('put'); putCart(cartDetails[cartDetailsIndex].id); } else { console.log('post'); postCart(); } }); }; cartEvent(); } if ( === 'quantity_woocommerce') { quantityCartWoo(; } if ( === 'quantity_shopify') { quantityCartShop(); } if ( === 'activate_cardinale_order_modal') { console.log('Activating trackiong modal..'); activateOrderTrackingModal(); } if ( === 'activate_ocular_widget') { openOcularWidget(); } if ( === 'open_phone') {, '_blank'); } if ( === 'open_email') {, '_blank'); } }); const quantityCartShop = async () => { const databotIframe = document.getElementById('chat_box_identifier'); const request = await fetch('/cart.js', { method: 'GET', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, }); let response = await request.json(); let cart = await response; let cartShopify = await response.items; let countGeneral = 0; cartShopify.forEach((element) => { countGeneral = countGeneral + element.quantity; }); console.log('cantidad carro shop ', countGeneral); databotIframe.contentWindow.postMessage( { event: 'countTotalCartShopify', payload: { quantity: countGeneral }, }, url_env, ); databotIframe.contentWindow.postMessage( { event: 'shopifyCartObject', payload: { cart } }, url_env, ); }; const getCookie = (cookieName) => { let cookiesArray = document.cookie.split(';'); for (let i = 0; i < cookiesArray.length; i++) { let cookie = cookiesArray[i].trim(); // buscar cookie por nombre if (cookie.startsWith(cookieName + '=')) { return cookie.substring(cookieName.length + 1); } } return null; }; const quantityCartWoo = async (wdomain) => { const databotIframe = document.getElementById('chat_box_identifier'); const res = await fetch(`${wdomain}/wp-json/wc/store/v1/cart/items`); let cart = await res.json(); let countGeneral = 0; const cookie = getCookie('woocommerce_cart_hash'); cart.forEach((element) => { countGeneral += element.quantity; }); databotIframe.contentWindow.postMessage( { event: 'woocommerceCart', payload: { quantity: countGeneral, cart: cart, cartHash: cookie }, }, url_env, ); }; // Agregar clases al insertar script del bot if (invertPosition.includes(id)) customInitialClasses.push('p-left'); if (isSalcobrandBot.includes(id)) { let url_origin = window?.location?.href; // /content/ocular_copy if (!url_origin?.includes('/content/ocular_copy', 0)) customInitialClasses.push('space-mobile'); } // iframe whatsapp moved to event show_widget let scriptIframe = ``; // local t.innerHTML = scriptIframe; document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].append(t); } function checkCustomScripts() { // insertting dynamically script const customScripts = { 756: 'constructor_31', 683: 'neourbe', 861: 'salfa_automotriz', 2351: 'cardinale', 1: 'salcobrand', 2674: 'salcobrand', }; if ( Object.keys(customScripts).includes(id) // && url_env === '' ) { let script = document.createElement('script'); script.async = true; script.setAttribute( 'src', url_env + '/custom_scripts/' + customScripts[id] + '.js', ); document.body.appendChild(script); } } setChabot(); checkCustomScripts(); } })(); /** another custom global functions */ function databot_waitForElement(selector, callback) { var interval = setInterval(function () { if ((heading = document.querySelector(selector))) { clearInterval(interval); callback(); } }, 300); // 500 represents how often the script checks for existence of heading in ms } function databot_sendEventToBot(eventName, payload) { chatbotDatabotIframe.contentWindow.postMessage( { event: eventName, payload, }, '*', ); }